Elevate Your Chemistry Classroom in 2024: Nanalysis Benchtop NMR for Hands-On Learning

As we kick off the new year, educators gear up for an exciting semester, and what better time to explore Nanalysis benchtop NMR? This powerful hands-on learning tool seamlessly integrates real-world analytical techniques into your chemistry classroom or undergrad lab.

Teaching complex analytical techniques has traditionally been a challenge for instructors and professors in technical schools or universities. While theoretical knowledge lays the foundation, true understanding requires more: affective learning, the emotions tied to the material, and psychomotor learning, crucial in a physical science like chemistry.

The complexity and high costs associated with traditional superconducting high-field NMR spectrometers have hindered accessibility, limiting students to sole spectrum interpretation. Did you know that Nanalysis benchtop NMR spectrometerswere originally designed for academic teaching? While benchtop NMR has nowadays also found its way into industrial applications and research institutions, the user-friendly design still attracts students, making it a breeze to set up their own experiments. This is not just a tool - it's a catalyst for sparking curiosity and a deeper understanding of chemistry.

Integrating new technology can be frustrating, but Nanalysis makes it a smooth process. Connect the benchtop NMR to a smart board for interactive sessions, envision controlling the instrument directly from the board, and enhance collaborative learning in your classroom.

We're here to support educators and encourage you to dive into our free materials:

1.  Start with our paper on second-order effects,1 offering a list of compounds ideal for an introductory NMR course.

2. Explore our website for Example Spectra and ready-to-use Sample Experiments across various chemistry disciplines.

3.   Download our high-resolution Infographics to add color and information to your classroom.

Elevate your teaching experience, empower your students, and embrace the future of hands-on learning with Nanalysis benchtop NMR and let 2024 be full of motivation for you and your students.

Many thanks to Dr. Karen haase at gewerbeschule lübeck for providing this picture of their classrom recently equipped with a 60e connected to a smart board for easy remote control and great visibility.


β-Diketone tautomerization ratio determined via 60 MHz benchtop NMR