What to expect from the tert-butanol 1D and 2D 13C NMR analysis?

1H and 13C NMR analyses are routinely used in organic laboratories. In the 1H spectrum interpretation, it is common to explore the concept of homonuclear coupling constant (1H-1H), and the heteronuclear (1H-13C) couplings are referred to as the 13C satellites.

When acquiring the 13C spectrum, we usually acquire it with 1H decoupling taking advantage of NOE enhancement, and little is explored about the 13C-1H coupling pattern in the 13C spectrum. However, this information obtained from 1D and/or 2D experiments can be crucial to confirm the chemical structure of unknown compounds.1

As 1H, 13C also has spin ½, so the signal multiplicity is dictated by the N+1 rule and the intensity of the multiplet by Pascal’s triangle. For extra reading about homo and heteronuclear coupling constants, do not hesitate to read some of our previous blogs: (1) Heteronuclear J-Coupling (Part 1 and Part 2), (2) J-Coupling & Tin Can Phones, (3) Heteronuclear Spin-Spin Coupling, and (4) Spin-Spin Coupling – Beyond Multiplicity.

This blog aims to give insights and reflections on what can be observed in the coupled 13C spectrum of a simple molecule such as tert-butanol (Figure 1), supported by 2D analysis.


Figure 1: Representation of tert-butanol chemical structure.

What multiplicity is expected for C1 in the 1D 13C spectrum? The correct answer is a dectet because there are nine chemically equivalent protons nearby (H2, H3 and H4).

What multiplicity is expected for each carbon of the methyl groups (C2, C3 and C4) in the 1D 13C spectrum? The correct answer is a quartet of septets (Figure 2), as each 13C shows one-bond coupling (1JCH) with three protons and three-bond coupling (3JCH) with six protons.

Figure 2: 13C NMR spectrum of tert-butanol in CDCl3 at 25 MHz. The expansion inset shows the quartet of septet, highlighting the 1JCH and the 3JCH. In the tert-butanol molecular structure, C3 was used as a reference to show the pathway for 1JCH (green bonds) and 3JCH (purple bonds).

The understanding of the tert-butanol 13C multiplicity is critical to interpreting and taking conclusive information from the 2D’s spectra. The HSQC (Figure 3a) shows one bond proton-carbon correlations, so the carbon resonances corresponding to C2, C3 and C4 will have a correlation with their respective protons (H2, H3, and H4). From the HMBC spectrum (Figure 3b), we expect to see two (2JCH) and three bond (3JCH) correlations. So, the quaternary carbon (C1) correlates with nine hydrogens (2JCH), and the methyl carbon resonance for C2, C3 and C4 couples with their six vicinal protons (3JCH).

An important characteristic of the HMBC data is that it is acquired without decoupling, so any residual one-bond coupling (1JCH) (not removed by the low pass J filter) will appear as two correlations centered in the corresponding 1H signal, so it can be easy differentiated from 2JCH, and 3JCH, which are strong correlations aligned with the corresponding signal.

To illustrate how 1JCH looks like in the HMBC spectrum the HMBC acquisition parameter, average value for 1JCH, was set to 200 Hz, instead of the usual value of 145 Hz. The proper setting of this parameter leads to HMBC data without the residual 1JCH.

Figure 3: a) 1H-13C HSQC spectrum of tert-butanol in CDCl3 at 100 MHz, the correlation represents 1JCH. b) 1H-13C HMBC spectrum of tert-butanol in CDCl3 at 100 MHz, the correlations represent 2JCH and 3JCH. To illustrate our point in this blog the HMBC acquisition parameter, average value for 1JCH, was set to 200 Hz (usually 145 Hz is used) to allow the visualization of the residual 1JCH.

This analysis can be extrapolated for any molecule containing geminal methyl groups and can be used to assign 13C spectrum and confirm the suggested molecule structure. The key information is when two or three methyl groups show HMBC correlations to their “own” 13C signal, it defines much of the skeletal structure of the molecule since it is strong evidence that these are geminal carbons.

[1] Burns, D. C., Reynolds, W. F. Magn Reson Chem. 2021, 59, 5, 500-533.


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